Gurre-Lieder in the Musikverein

On the day of his 150th birthday, September 13, 2024, Arnold Schönberg's monumental oratorio “Gurre-Lieder” will be performed in the Golden Hall of the Vienna Musikverein. It was premiered in the same place 111 years ago - the composer worked on the score for over ten years. The Singverein der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde joins forces with the Hungarian Radio Choir, the Slovakian Philharmonic Choir, outstanding soloists and the Vienna Symphony Orchestra under the direction of its new chief conductor Petr Popelka to bring this dramatic tale from the world of Danish legends to life in this gigantic, late-romantic sound painting. A unique musical event! 

Tickets for 13.9.2024

Tickets for 14.9.2014